Safety Engineering


  • Designing fire alarm systems (conventional, addressable, intelligent, etc.)
  • Design of gas measuring systems (monitoring of flammable and toxic gases and vapors)
  • Design of automatic fire extinguishing systems (including water, foam and gas fire extinguishing systems)
  • Designing cooling systems of tanks and equipment using the results of fire modeling
  • Design and placement of portable fire extinguishing equipment
  • Compilation of all safety engineering documents (maps, calculations, technical specifications, data sheets, etc.)
  • Preparation of all purchase documents and engineering supervision of the equipment supply process
  • Providing monitoring services in the implementation processes of projects in the field of safety engineering (monitoring the purchase, construction, testing, delivery and commissioning of notification and fire extinguishing systems)
  • Preparing and updating all maintenance instructions for fire alarm and extinguishing systems (startup, testing, calibration and periodic visits)
  • Preparation and updating of instructions and documents required for the management of fire stations
  • Gap Analysis and preparation of personnel training matrix in the field of safety engineering
  • Locating fire extinguishing equipment and the possibility of firefighters using the equipment during a fire (using the results of fire modeling)
  • Quantitative and qualitative assessment of fire risk in buildings, warehouses and process units
  • Gap analysis of the condition of buildings, warehouses and process units in the field of safety and firefighting and providing improvement solutions
  • Compilation and updating of fire extinguishing plans in process units (Action plan)
  • Review and design of emergency equipment (lighting, fire alarm systems, portable fire extinguishing equipment, breathing systems, warning signs, etc.) in escape routes
  • Estimating all protective equipment needed by personnel and firefighters in the form of PPE matrix
  • Providing prevention plans for accidents, fires and explosions in industries
  • Holding professional firefighting drills in industries and evaluating personnel performance

Today, one of the main concerns of managers in various organizations and industries is the direct and indirect costs caused by accidents, the most important of which can be the reduction of the organization’s reputation, disinvestment, damage to human resources and equipment. The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) over time has shown that conducting safety engineering studies, especially in designs, as a preventive factor, is one of the most important factors in reducing the frequency of accidents in organizations, and it also reduces possible and anticipated damages and injuries.

The safety engineering unit of Aftab Imen Parto Consulting Engineers is taking steps in the direction of improving the safety level of the country’s industries with the aim of providing specialized safety and fire engineering advice and using advanced design methods and software with the cooperation of experienced specialists and experts, advanced engineering design methods and software, and scientific information and findings.