
NumberProject NameClientTime and Date
657HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Green Field and Early Gas Lift Sections of “Foroozan Offshore Complex Development” ProjectIran Shipbuilding & Offshore Industries Complex Company (ISOICO)2025
656HAZOP Study of New Pentane Drier & Buffer Drums for LLDPE Unit of AmirKabir Petrochemical ComplexAmirkabir Petrochemical Company2025
655HAZID, QRA, Consequence Analysis Studies for PDH Project of Pars Petrochemical ComplexPanah Sanat Part Company2025
654HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Debottlenecking Project of Olefin Unit of Marun Petrochemical ComplexEnerchimi Engineering Company2025
653HAZOP, HAZID, SIL Studies for LNG Project of Kimia Sanat Lipar Chabahar Free Zone CompanyKimia Sanat Lipar Chabahar Free Zone Company2025
652HAZOP and SIL Studies for Safety Scrubber Unit of Arvand Petrochemical ComplexIran International General Contractor (IGC)2025
651HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies of “Modification and Improving for Shadegan Oil Production Plan” ProjectPetro Tadbir Pars Company2025
650HAZOP Study of “Maroon Flare Gas Recovery and New Connection for Transferring of Gas to Hirbod Niroo Company In Maroon 5 Operation Unit 5” ProjectHirbod Niroo Company2025
649HAZOP, HAZID,SIL and QRA Studies of “Cheshmeh-Khosh, Dalpari and East Paydar Oil Fields” ProjectHirbodan Management Company2025
648HAZOP and SIL Studies for EO Unit Storage Tanks and EO/EG Unit of ANDIMESHK IBN Sina Petrochemical Ethylene Oxide PlantChagalesh and Petro Sazeh Mobin Joint Venture2025
647HAZOP and SIL Studies for Distillation Units of Pars Behin Palayesh-e-Naft Qeshm RefineryNamvaran Pazhouhesh  va Tose-a Company2025
646HAZOP Study for Methanol Guard Bed of Marun Petrochemical ComplexMarun Petrochemical Company2025
645Consequence Modeling and QRA Studies for Kheirgoo 8 and Dehagh 2&3 Gas Compressor StationsDarya Pala Energy Company2025
644HAZOP Study for Early Production of Ragsefid-1 Six Clusters and Related PipelinesMaroun Manategh Mahshahr Company2025
643HAZOP Study for Basic Design of Shahid Soleimani Petro-RefineryShahid Soleimani Petro-Refinery Company2025
642SIL Verification Study of “Rafsanjan CS2” ProjectFanavaran Parsian Industrial Projects Development Company2025
641HAZID and Consequence Modeling Studies of Chlorine Tanks and Injection Site in the Process of Amirkabir Petrochemical ComplexAmirkabir Petrochemical Company2025
640HAZOP and HAZID Studies for LPG Transmission Pipeline of "Halfaya-Basra" ProjectTadbir Energy Gostar Iranian Company2025
639HAZOP and HAZID Studies for "South Azadegan Oil Field Southern Manifolds" ProjectSimin Gaman Aria Company2025
638HAZOP and SIL Studies for Direct Fired Heaters of New Vacuum Distillation Unit (VDU) and Bitumen Unit of Lavan Oil RefineryMasnouat Felezi Sangin Company2025
637HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Methane Storage Tank of Iranian Gas Engineering and Development CompanyResearch Institute of Petroleum Industry2024
636HAZOP and HAZID Studies of "Kheirgoo 8 and Dehagh 2&3 Gas Compressor Stations" ProjectDarya Pala Energy Company2024
635HAZOP and HAZID Studies for 9 Thousand Ton Ethylene Tank of Marun Petrochemical ComplexZagros Nasb Sepahan Company2024
634HAZOP and HAZID Studies of Connecting new well #5 to Well#11 in SPD12B Platform of South Pars Gas FieldDrilling Company International (DCI)2024
633HAZOP, HAZID, SIL and Consequence Analysis Studies for Ammonia Production Unit of Persian Gulf Star Oil CompanyHampa Energy Engineering and Design Company (HEDCO)2024
632HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, QRA, Fire Explosion and Toxic Gas Dispersion of “Yadavaran Oil Field Development” ProjectPars Consulting Engineering Group2024
631HAZOP and SIL Studies for Water Unit and Interconnecting/Offsite of Lorch Petrochemical ProjectTehran Raymand Consulting Engineers Company2024
630HAZOP Study for Ethane Recovery Unit of the Marun Petrochemical ComplexMarun Petrochemical Company2024
629HAZOP Study for Air Package of Tehran Oil Refinery Development ProjectHava Abzar Tehran Company (HATCO)2024
628HAZOP Study for Gasoline Hydrogenation II Compressor Package of Persian Gulf Hormoz Petrochemical Olefin PlantNamvaran Consulting Engineers (NCE)2024
627HAZOP and HAZID Studies for New 30” Subsea Gas Pipeline from Salman Oil Field KPP Platform to Sirri IslandPetrogas Jahan Engineering Company2024
626Job Hazard Analysis by JSA Method in Persian Gulf Fajr Energy CompanyPersian Gulf Fajr Energy Company2024
625MOC-HAZOP Study for Increasing Production Plan of Sepehr-Jofeir Oil FieldPasargad Exploration, Development and Production Company2024
624HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Fuel Oil and Gas System and Instrument Air Distribution System of Marun Petrochemical C2+ Recovery Power Plant UnitLimak Energy Middle East Company2024
623HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Ardestan and Dehshir Gas Compressor Stations on IGAT-VIII PipelineJondishapour Company2024
622HAZOP Study for the Transfer of C6 loading Bay from BD/B1 Unit to Olefin UnitAmirKabir Petrochemical Company2024
621HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, Consequence Modeling Studies for Methylamine Production Plant of Shimi Sanat Ramnad CompanyRampco Group2024
620HAZOP Study for Pentane and Hexane Transferring Pipeline from Exir Halal Assaluyeh Company to Pars Port Berth No.6Exir Halal Assaluyeh Company2024
619HAZOP and SIL Assessment Studies of the Hydrogen Recycle Compressor Package of Tehran Oil RefineryTABA Engineering & Services Company2024
618HAZOP Study for ASP, SSU, Wet Sulfuric Acid Units and H2S Transfer Pipeline of Aftab Oil RefiningAftab Oil Refining Company2024
617Hazard Identification and layout Study of Pentan Iso-Tank in Amirkabir Petrochemical ComplexAmirKabir Petrochemical Company2024
616HAZOP and SIL Studies for “Aghajari 3 Compression Station” ProjectIran Energy Industries Company (Energyiran)2024
615HAZOP Study for Styrene Storage Tank and Transferring lines, Safety and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Studies for Styrene Park as well as the Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) Report for the Gas Pressure Reduction Station.Toase-ehe Park Sanati Gohar Ofogh Petrochemical Company2024
614HAZOP and HAZID Studies of "Slops Tanks" Project of Tehran Oil RefineryMehrarad Energy Development Company2024
613Noise Study for Olefin Plant of Persian Gulf Hormuz Petrochemical ComplexNamvaran Consulting Engineers (NCE)2024
612 HAZOP Study for H2S Gas Circulation Compressor Package of Heavy Water Production Unit                                                                         Parto Sanat Pazh Company2024
611 Consequence Modeling, HAZOP and SIL Studies for Propane and Butane Recovery Units of South Pars 5th and 8th RefineriesRasmara Flare Gas Recovery Company2024
610HAZID Study for Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) of Bushehr Petrochemical Complex Jahanpars Engineering and Construction Company2024
609HAZOP and SIL Studies for Utility of Arvandan Oil and Gas CompanyMehrarad Energy Development Company2024
608HAZOP Study for Fixed-Roof Storage Tank of Iranol Oil CompanyMehrarad Energy Development Company2024
607HAZOP Study for “Debottlenecking of Steam Cracker and Optimization of Marun Petrochemical Olefin Unit” ProjectEnerchimi Engineering Company2024
606HAZOP, HAZID, Consequence Analysis for Ethylene Storage Tank of Amir Kabir Petrochemical ComplexRAJAN Petro Farayand Company2024
605HAZOP and HAZID Studies of Changuleh Oil Field DevelopmentTarh Andishan Consulting Engineering Company2024
604HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Chlorine Removal Package of Buali Sina Petrochemical Aromatics PlantPantan Chemistry Industries Company2024
603Maintaining of Health, Safety, Environment Management SystemThe Region 1 Tehran Municipality2024
602HAZOP Study for pipeline and drain of Nouri Petrochemical- Pars Port BerthNouri Petrochemical Company2024
601Consequence Analysis Study of “Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Dispersion” ProjectGazrun Sanat Company2024
600HAZOP and HAZID Studies for “The Development of Pump Houses and Rafsanjan-Yazd Pipeline” ProjectAnhar Company2024
599HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, CM and QRA Studies For Basic Review and FEED for Ahwaz, Omidiyeh and Goreh Pump Stations ProjectPars Consulting Engineering Group2024
598HAZOP and HAZID studies for Sponge Iron Recovery Plant (DRI)of  Bardsir KermanFakoor Sanat Tehran Engineering Company2024
597HAZOP and SIL Studies for Syn Gas Compressor Package of  “SEPID Methanol Plant” Project   Sazeh Consulting Engineers Company2024
596HAZOP Study for Propane/Propylene Splitter Section of Sohrevardi Safahan Petro RefiningShargan Consultant Engineers Company2024
595HAZOP Study for Sulfuric Acid Transmission line to Cooling Tower Unit of Amirkabir Petrochemical ComplexAmirKabir Petrochemical Company2024
594MOC-HAZOP Study for Sour Gas Blowers of “Sulfur Recovery Plant” Project of Tabriz Oil Refining Complex Oil Design and Construction Company (ODCC)2024
593HAZOP and SIL studies for Low Pressure Screw Compressors of Aghajari 1, 3, 4 and 5 Compressor StationPars Compressor Company2024
592HAZOP Study for Dry Pyroliz Gasoline (DPG) of Marun 4” Pipeline to Exir Chimi SiteMarun Petrochemical Company2024
591SIL Study for Air Separation Unit of Siraf Petrochemical ComplexPetro Fanavaran Fateh Company2024
590HAZOP and SIL Studies for Air Separation Unit and Hydrogen Production Unit Packages of Pishgaman Siraf ProjectTIV Energy Engineering and Construction Company2024
589HAZOP Study and SIL Assessment based on LOPA method for Unit 430 of Petronad Asia Petrochemical ComplexPetronad Asia Petrochemical Company2024
588SIL Assessment of Lordegan Crystal Melamine Factory Construction ProjectPanah Sanat Part Company2024
587HAZOP and SIL studies for Bentonite Unit of Sulfur Park Project of Molasadra Safahan Petro Refining CompanyErfan Sanat Bastan Company2024
586HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, QRA studies of Siah Makan pipeline projectIran Energy Industries Company (Energyiran)2024
585Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) study of 24 inch LPG pipelineFarayand sazan energy consultant engineers company2024
584HAZOP, HAZID, Value Engineering studies of pipeline and pressure control station projectsTarh No Andishan Company2024
583HAZOP studies of HDPE unit of Bushehr Petrochemical ComplexSazeh Consulting Engineers Co2024
582Hazard Identification and Safety Instructions Development of Gas Network Laboratory in Shahid Chamran University – AhvazShahid Chamran University of Ahvaz2024
581HAZOP and SIL Studies of Direct Fired Heater Package of Zanjan Agricultural & Fertilizer Industries CompanyMasnouat Felezi Sangin Company2024
580HAZOP and SIL Studies for "H2 PSA" and "Tail Gas Compressor" Packages of Tehran Oil RefineryHava Abzar Tehran Company (HATCO)2024
579Consequence Modeling Study of Bandar Abbas Refinery Heavy Products Upgrading Project JENR Consortium2024
578HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Khorasan Petrochemical Wastewater Treatment PlantTara Engineering Company2024
577HAZOP & SIL Assessment Studies for SRU Package of Gas Condensate Refinery PlantTarahan Va Mojrian Farayand Bokhar Company2024
576HAZOP Study for Deaerated Water Circulation System in Process Units of Tehran RefineryMahdin Industrial Company2024
575HAZOP, HAZID, and SIL Studies for DAOT, GHT, AMN, SRU, SWS, PWS Units of “Bandar Abbas Refinery Heavy Products Upgrading” ProjectEnerchimi Engineering Company2024
574HAZOP, HAZID, and SIL Studies for Coker Naphtha Hydrotreating (CNH) Unit of  “Bandar Abbas Refinery Heavy Products Upgrading” ProjectRAJAN Petro Farayand Company2024
573HAZOP and SIL Studies of Heavy Water Production UnitMesbah Energy Company2024
572HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Assessment Studies of Supplying Water for Injection to Oil Fields In Karun AreaRahbord Energy Design & Development Engineering Company2024
571HAZID Study for Wastewater Treatment Units of South Pars Gas RefineriesOmrab Engineering Company2024
570HAZOP, HAZID, and SIL Studies for “Pentane Solvent Production Plan” Project of Petro Exir Kangan PetrochemicalPetro Exir Kangan Company2024
569HAZOP and HAZID Studies of “C2+ Transmission Pipeline from NGL 3100 to NGL 3200” ProjectPars Consulting Engineering Group2024
568HAZOP, HAZID, SIL Studies for LTU, PRU, CAU Units of “Bandar Abbas Refinery Heavy Products Upgrading” ProjectJondishapour  Company2024
567Consequence Modeling Study for LPG Storage Tank of Catalytic Mahshahr Reforming PlantDerakhshan Shimi Bandar Company2024
566Job Hazard Analysis by JHA and JSA Methods in Iranol Oil CompanyIranol Oil Company2024
565Risk Assessment and Analyzing Scenario of Possible Incidents of Compressed Air, Liquid and Gaseous Oxygen Tanks for Malek Ashtar University of TechnologyMalek Ashtar University of Technology2023
564Process Risk Control by HAZOP Study Method Based on IEC61882 Standard in Bouali Sina Petrochemical ComplexBouali Sina Petrochemical Company2024
563HAZOP Study for Asphaltene Trap and Solvent Wash System of Maroun Oil and Gas Production CompanyMaroun Oil and Gas Production Company2023
562HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies of “Lorch Methanol” ProjectHampa Energy Engineering and Design Company (HEDCO)2023
561HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for “Development of Maroun 2, 5 and 6 Oil Field” ProjectPetroTadbir Pars Company2023
560HAZOP Study for the Feed Line Corridor from Farabi Petrochemical to Amirkabir PetrochemicalAmirkabir Petrochemical Company2023
559HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Basic Design of Andimeshk Ibn Sina Petrochemical Company UtilitiesChagalesh Consulting Engineers Company2023
558HAZOP Study for Air Separation Unit of Bardsir Steel ComplexSirjan Iranian Steel Company2023
557HAZID Study for ASU Unit of “Steel Making and Golgohar ESP” ProjectFakoor Sanat Tehran Engineering Company2023
556HAZOP and SIL Studies for PSA Package of Persian Gulf Hormoz Petrochemical ComplexAban Air Cooler Company2023
555Job Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment by JHA Method in Arvand Petrochemical ComplexArvand Petrochemical Company2023
554HAZOP and SIL Studies for “Development of 2nd Phase of  Sarajeh Gas Field” ProjectPishgaman Sanat-e Mihan Company2023
553HAZOP and SIL Studies for Hybrid Cooling Tower & Flare Gas Recovery Units of “Isfahan Oil Refinery Development Plan” ProjectDOR RIZ Engineering Company2023
552Consequence Modeling Study for Aromatic Unit of Damoon Petrochemical ComplexDamoon Petrochemical Company2023
551HAZOP Study for 9 Thousand Ton Ethylene Tank of Marun Petrochemical ComplexZagros Nasb Sepahan Company2023
550HAZOP Study for the Process Units of the Development Plan 8 of Aftab Oil Refining CompanyAftab Oil Refining Company2023
549Value Engineering Study for 16 inch gas transmission pipeline of Maroon Petrochemical ComplexTarh O Palayesh Engineering Company2023
548SIL Assessment Study of “the Zanjan Urea Chemical Fertilizer” ProjectZanjan Agricultural & Fertilizer Indusries Company2023
547HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, Consequence Modeling and QRA Studies for Compressor Stations of “Cheshmeh Khosh Fields Gas Gathering and Injection” ProjectScetiran Consulting Engineers Company2023
546HAZOP and SIL Assessment Studies for Optimization Project of CRU Heaters (CR -ECO) of Isfahan Oil RefineryHirgan Energy Engineering Company2023
545HAZOP Study of Air Separation Unit for Siraf Energy Petrochemical ComplexPetro Fanavaran Fateh Company2023
544Value Engineering Study of “the 56 inch 9th Iranian Gas Trunk Pipeline between Shushtar/Dezful” ProjectDarya Pala Engineering Company2023
543HAZOP Study for N2 and Cooling Tower Packages of Ilam Gas Treating Plant Phase 2 and Completion of Phase 1 Petrogas Jahan Engineering Company2023
542Value Engineering Study of the 56 inch 9th Iranian Gas Trunk Pipeline (IGAT9)- Section ITadbir Energy Gostar Iranian Company2023
541HAZOP, HAZID, SIL and Consequence Modeling Studies of Utility and Offsite for Eslam Abad-e-Gharb Petrochemical ComplexHirbodan Management Company2023
540HAZOP and SIL Studies for TGTU, SRU and CS2 Production Units of “CS2” ProjectFanavaran Parsian Industrial Projects Development Company2023
539HAZOP Study of “The Flare Package of Tehran Oil Refinery” ProjectMachine Foulad Jonoub Company2023
538HAZOP and HAZID Studies of The 56 inch IX Iranian Gas Trunk Pipeline (IGAT9) between Shoushtar-Dezful (Section II)Darya Pala Engineering Company2023
537HAZOP, HAZID and Value Engineering Studies of “Sirik-Kuhmobarak 42 inch Gas Transfer Pipeline” ProjectTarh Andishan Consulting Engineering Company2023
536HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Execution of 5000 DWT Qeshm Island JettyAwdge Pazhoohesh Sanaat Consulting Engineers Company2023
535HAZOP Study for Waste Water Pre-Treatment Plant of Esfahan Oil Refining CompanyAbsun Zolal Sustainable & Creative Solutions2023
534HAZOP and HAZID Studies of the 56 inch 9th Iranian Gas Trunk Pipeline (IGAT9) between Ahwaz-Shoushtar Tadbir Energy Gostar Iranian Company2023
533HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for HDPE Plant of Rayan Polymer Pouya ComplexPackman Parand Company2023
532HAZOP Study of “Qeshm Marine Oil Terminal” ProjectHengam Qeshm Industrial Mobilization and Development Company2023
531HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for PAC Unit of Urmia Petrochemical ComplexPetrogas Jahan Engineering Company2023
530HAZOP and HAZID Studies of “Lordegan Crystal Melamine” ProjectPanah Sanat Part Company2023
529HAZOP and SIL Studies for the Primary Reformer Package of the Zanjan Urea Chemical Fertilizer ProjectPetrochemical Industries Design and Engineering Company (PIDEC)2023
528HAZOP and SIL Studies for Methanation Package of HYCO Plant of Karun Petrochemical ComplexChamaan Engineering and Fabrication Company2023
527HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Basic Design of South Pars Phase 19 Compression Station Pilot PlantTurbotec Company2023
526HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for High Pressure Steam Generation from the Excess Return Condensate of the Methanol Production Unit with Preparation of Safety Engineering Documents of Fanavaran Petrochemical ComplexPackman Parand Company2023
525HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Benzene Extraction Unit of Shazand Petrochemical ComplexSteam-Enerchimi Consortium2023
524HAZOP Study for 10,20,30 and 50 Units of Damoon Palayesh Giti Petrochemical ComplexDamoon Palayesh Giti Petrochemical Company2023
523HAZOP of “Ilam Gas Refinery (IGPT-2)” Project PackagesJahanpars Engineering and Construction Company2023
522HAZOP, HAZID, SIL Studies “Bibi Hakimeh New Gas Injection Compressor Station” ProjectPetro Tadbir Pars Company2023
521HAZOP Study for Fire Fighting Pump Station of Esfahan Oil Refining CompanyZolal Iran Company2023
520HAZOP Study for Methanol Synthesis Units and Storage Tank of Ardabil Arta Energy CompanyArta Energy Company2023
519HAZOP Study for Aghajari-02 & Pazanan-01 Gas Dehydration Package of Bidboland RefineryPetro Sazeh Mobin Engineering and Development Company2023
518HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Ragsefid-1 Six Clusters and Related PipelinesTadbir va Fan-e Asia Company2023
517HAZOP Study for MEK Dewaxing and Furfural Extraction Units of Aftab Oil RefiningAftab Oil Refining Company2023
516HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, QRA and Consequence Analysis Studies of The Utility, Offsite, Corridor and Tanks Areas of the Persian Gulf Mehr Petro-Refinery ProjectNamvaran Pazhouhesh  va Tose-a Company2023
515Risk Management by HAZOP & LOPA Methods for Persian Gulf Fajr Energy CompanyPersian Gulf Fajr Energy Company2023
514HAZOP and SIL Studies for LPG Gas Recovery System Compressor Package of Esfahan RefineryPetro Kara Energy Hiva Company2023
513HAZOP Study for Off-Gas Part of Tabriz Oil Refinery PSA ProjectTabriz Oil Refinery2023
512HAZOP Study for LDPE & EVA Production Units of Laleh Petrochemical ComplexLaleh Petrochemical Company2023
511HAZOP Study for “Spent Caustic Treatment Unit Modification” Project of Jam Petrochemical ComplexEuroslotpars Company2023
510HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Liquid Nitrogen Storage and Loading StationPolypropylene Sepehr Mokran Company2023
509HAZOP Study for Dehydration and Compressor Station Packages of Bidboland RefineryNorahan Engineering and Contracting Company2023
508HAZOP and SIL Studies for “Oil Field Development of Ahwaz Asmari 14” ProjectMaroon Karan Technical and Engineering Company2023
507Consequence Modeling Study for Pipelines and Facilities of the Mahshahr Jetty no. 6. ProjectPetrochemical Industries Development Management Company (PIDMCO)2023
506HAZOP Study for “Transfer of C3+ and Propylene by new Pumps” ProjectAmirkabir Petrochemical Company2023
505HAZOP Study for Incinerator Package of  SRU Unit of NGL 3100 ProjectEnerchimi Engineering Company2023
504HAZOP and SIL Studies for Compressors of Tehran Oil Refinery Havayar Industrial Group2023
503HAZOP Review for Khorasan Petrochemical ComplexKhorasan Petrochemical Company2023
502HAZOP Study for Early Development Plan of Sepehr-Jofeir Oil FieldPasargad Exploration, Development and Production Company2023
501HAZOP and SIL Studies for Firefighting Network, NHT Tanks and Off Gas Compressor Packages of Abadan Oil Refining CompanyOil Design and Construction Company (ODCC)2023
500HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Mercaptan Vacuum TowerResearch Institute of Petroleum Industry2023
499HAZOP Study for Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide Production Unit of kimiya Petro CompanyPetro Process Phidar Company2022
498HAZOP and SIL Study of SBW Compressors Package of Aghajari 02 and Pazanan 01 Gas Compression and Dehydration StationPetro Sazeh Mobin Engineering and Development Company2022
497Fire Water Demand Calculation for Nakhl Asmari Petrochemical ComplexNakhl Asmari petrochemical Company2022
496HAZOP and SIL Studies of  “Sina Methanol”Project Packages Sazeh Consulting Engineers Company2022
495HAZOP and SIL Studies for Compressors Package of Heavy Ends Hydrotreatment Unit of Noori Petrochemical Complex Namvaran Consulting Engineers (NCE)2022
494HAZOP and SIL Studies for H-2701 (Reactor Feed Heater) and H-2702 (Stripper Reboiler) Furnaces of Noori Petrochemical Complex Chaman Engineering and Construction Company 2022
493HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Assessment Studies for “PSA” Project of Esfahan RefiningChagalesh Consulting Engineers Company2022
492HAZOP Study for Loading Arm to Tanker Truck of Maroon Project's EO Purification UnitPetrochemical Industries Design and Engineering Company (PIDEC)2022
491HAZOP and HAZID Studies of West Karun Pump Station Extension and 42" PipelineBina EPC Contractor2024
490HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies of “Lali-Bangestan Oilfield Development’ ProjectPetrogas Jahan Engineering Company2022
489QRA and ENVID Studies of Sohrab Oilfield Development ProjectOil Design and Construction Company (ODCC)2022
488HAZOP and SIL Studies for Compressor Packages of “Persian Gulf Bid Boland Refinery” ProjectOil Turbo Compressor Equipment Company2022
487HAZOP and SIL Studies for Screw Compressor and Dissolved Gas Flotation Package Of “South Azadegan Oil Field Development” ProjectEnerchimi Engineering Company2022
486HAZOP Study for ASU Unit & AUX Boiler System of “Steel Making and Golgohar ESP” Project.Fakoor Sanat Tehran Engineering Company2022
485Providing Training Services of Safety and Firefighting in Mahshahr Petrochemical PortTerminal And Tanks Petrochemical Co. (TTPC)2022
484HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies of Sohrab Oilfield Development ProjectOil Design and Construction Company (ODCC)2022
483Integrated HAZOP & HAZID Studies for Off-site Facilities of New GT of Mobin Energy CompanyGhods Niroo Engineering Company2022
482HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Wellhead Facilities of Azadegan ProjectSimin Gaman Aria Company2022
481HAZOP Study for Off-site and Utility Unit Packages, Interconnecting and Raw Water Pump Station of Gachsaran Petrochemical ComplexPanah Sanat Part Company2022
480HAZID Study for Siahmakan and Gachsaran Compressor Stations of West Ethylene Pipeline ProjectOil Turbo Compressor Construction Company (OTCC)2022
479HAZOP Study for Hydrogen Peroxide Unit of Kimiya Petro CompanyPetro Process Phidar Company2022
478HAZOP Study for BZN2 Catalyst Production Unit Located in Kermanshah SitePouya Pajouhesh Bakhtar Company2022
477HAZOP and SIL Studies For EO Purification Unit Packages of Maroon ProjectPetrochemical Industries Design and Engineering Company (PIDEC)2022
476MOC-HAZOP Study for New Transferring Condensate line from D-1101&D1301 to Demathanizer TowersPalayesh Parsian Sepehr Company2022
475HAZOP Study for Sulfur Solidification Package of NGL3100 ProjectEnerchimi Engineering Company2022
474HAZOP Study for Flare Package of Olefin Plant of Jam Petrochemical ComplexTehran Javan Consulting Engineers Company2022
473Fireproofing study for Jet Fire scenario of Bushehr Petrochemical MEG projectChagalesh-Enerchimi-Steam Joint Venture2022
472HAZOP Study For Butane and Propane Loading Arms of Persian Gulf Bidboland Gas RefiningPersian Gulf Bidboland Gas Refining Company2022
471HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Terminal Port Project of Farasakou Assaluyeh TanksHampa Energy Engineering and Design Company (HEDCO)2022
470HAZOP Study Review and Safety Study for Methanol Production Unit of Middle East Kimiaye Pars CompanyMiddle East Kimiaye Pars Company2022
469Hazard Identification and Consequence Analysis of VNN505 Regulator (Size: 1”, 2”, 3” & 4”)Venan Engineering and Industrial Company2022
468HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Operation-Oriented Plan to Increase and Maintain the Production of 27 Selected Tanks of BalarudPetrogas Jahan Engineering Company2022
467HAZOP and SIL Studies for “Ethylene Oxide Cooling Package” Project of Maroon Petrochemical ComplexTajhiz Arg Parsian Company (TAPCO)2022
466HAZID Study for “Up-Grading” Project of Tabriz Oil Refinery Company Products (Licensor Part)Sazeh Consultants Engineering and Construction Company2022
465HAZOP, HAZID and QRA Studies for 30“ PipeLine from NGL 1500 to Marun C2 Recovery Plant ProjectRampco Group2022
464HAZOP and SIL Studies For Ammonia Storage Tank of Zanjan Petrochemical ComplexPetro Kimia Arvin Company2022
463HAZOP and SIL Studies For N2, Chemical Injection, Flare, and Deaerator Packages of South Azadegan Oil Field Development Phase 1 of “CTEP” ProjectEnerchimi Engineering Company2022
462Consequence Modeling Study For Compressor and Gas Dehydration Station of “Pazanan 01” ProjectPetro Sazeh Mobin Engineering and Development Company2022
461Consequence Modeling and QRA Studies for Wellhead Facilities of “Jurassic” Project of Masjed SoleymanTarh Andishan Consulting Engineering Company2022
460HAZOP Study for LP Compressor Station and Compressor Package (GTC CO.,LTD) of Gachsaran I & II Production UnitsMaroon Karan Technical and Engineering Company2022
459HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Development of 2nd Phase of Sarajeh Gas Field ProjectInternational Petro Asmari Company2022
458HAZOP and HAZID Studies For Mansour Abad Oil Field DevelopmentMeam Team Construction Company2022
457HAZOP, HAZID and QRA Studies for “Refinery’s Feed and Products Storage Tank” of Mokran Petro Refinery CompanyNamvaran Pazhouhesh  va Tose-a Company2022
456HAZID Study for “Up-Grading” Project of Tabriz Oil Refinery Company Products (Non-Licensor Part)Sazeh Consultants Engineering and Construction Company2022
455HAZOP Study for “Styrene Loading Pump” of “Takhte Jamshid Pars Assaluyeh Petrochemical Complex”Takhte Jamshid Pars Assaluyeh Petrochemical Company2022
454SIL Verification Study on the Control Panel of the MPU UnitSina Control Engineering Design and Manufacturing Company2022
453HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Sarcheshmeh and Khatoonabad Effluent Treatment PlantTara Engineering Company2022
452HAZOP, QRA, Fire & Consequence Modeling Studies for Light Crude Oil Pipeline from Korait Camp to Omidiyeh Pump StationScetiran Consultant Engineers Company2022
451HAZOP, SIL, HAZID, RAM Studies of New Goreh-B Pump Station and Goreh –Kharg PipelinePars Consulting Engineering Group2022
450HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Wellhead and Manifold Facilities of  Toos Gas Field DevelopmentPetro Sahel Ofogh Kish Company2022
449MOC (Management of Change)-HAZOP Study of “C3+ Transferring from Tank to Outlet Cracked Gas Compressor V Facilities”AmirKabir Petrochemical Company2022
448MOC-HAZOP Study for Sour Feed Gas Pipeline-From NGL-1000 to BBGII (Tie-in L005)(Early Production Stage)Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Refinery Company2022
447HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, QRA, Consequence Modeling Studies for Methanol Buffer Tank and Transferring Facilities of Mokran Petrochemical TownOmid Pars Oil and Gas Industries Energy Development Consortium Company2022
446HAZOP Study for DEG New Pipeline of Khuzestan Petrochemical ComplexKhuzestan Petrochemical Company2022
445MOC (Management of Change)-HAZOP Study on PDH, PP & UT-OF Units of Mehr Petro Kimia Petrochemical ComplexNamvaran Consulting Engineers (NCE)2022
444Carrying out studies of HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, Consequence Analysis and QRA of the construction of phase 2 and completion of phase 1 of Ilam RefineryJahanpars Engineering and Construction Company2021
443HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies of Metering, Waste Water and Cooling Tower Packages for Bushehr Petrochemical ComplexJahanpars Engineering and Construction Company2021
442MOC-HAZOP Study of Main Process of Olefin Unit & HAZOP and SIL Studies for Ten Packages of Olefin Project of Bushehr Petrochemical ComplexSazeh Consultants Engineering and Construction Company2021
441HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for HDPE Plant of Bushehr Petrochemical ComplexSazeh Consultants Engineering and Construction Company2021
440HAZOP, HAZID, SIL and QRA Studies for “Construction of methanol storage tanks and related facilities” project in Shahid Beheshti port of ChabaharRampco Group2021
439HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for SRU Unit of NGL3100 ProjectEnerchimi Engineering Company2021
438HAZOP Study for Wastewater Treatment Units of Tabriz Oil RefineryFalat Sanat Ideh Company2021
437HAZOP and HAZID Studies Hydrogen Gas production Unit of Behshahr Industrial CompanyBehshahr Industrial Company2021
436Quantitative Risk Assessment for Bangestan 8" Pipeline from Ramin Booster Cluster to Ahvaz IITarh Andishan Consulting Engineering Company2021
435HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies of Sulabedar Oilfield Development ProjectMaroon Karan Technical and Engineering Company2022
434Radiation Calculation for Liquid Burn Pit Package in Pipelines & Mahshahr Facilities of Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Treating ProjectPersian Gulf Bidboland Gas Refining Company2021
433 HAZOP, SIL Assessment & SIL verification Study of Bouali Sina Petrochemical Company H-8003 & H-8001 Heater PackagesFateh Sanat Kimia2021
432HAZOP Study of “Waste Water Treating of South Tehran Waste Water and transferring to Tehran Oil Refinery Company Area” Project.Sazehaye Abi Company2021
431HAZOP Study for Natural Gas and Hydrogen Pipeline from Jam and Mobin Petrochemicals to MPU of Farsa Chimie CompanyDanubTech2021
430HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for LPG Gas Recovery System for Off-Gas of Isomerization unit of Esfahan Oil RefiningChagalesh Consulting Engineers Company2021
429HAZOP Study for EDC/VCM, S-PVC, E-PVC, SW, Sulfuric Acid and CF Units of Arvand Petrochemical ComplexArvand Petrochemical Company2021
428HAZOP Study for 3rd and 5th Development of Process UnitsAftab Oil Refining Company2021
427HAZOP and SIL Studies of “EPC of West Ethylene Pipeline Compressor Stations- Siahmakan (CS-2) and Gachsaran (CS-7)Oil Turbo-Compressor Construction Company2021
426HAZOP Study for 3rd and 5th refineries Propane feed line branch and propane transfer line to Mehr Petro Kimia complexNamvaran Consulting Engineers (NCE)2021
425HAZOP and SIL Assessment Studies for “compressor package” of the 2nd phase of ammonia and urea of Kermanshah Petrochemical ComplexPersia Petro Gas Company2021
424HAZID Study for PDH, PP, Utility and Offsite Units of Mehr Petro Kimia Petrochemical ComplexNamvaran Consulting Engineers (NCE)2021
423HAZOP Study for Gas Turbines Package of “Esfahan Oil Refinery Company” ProjectConsortium of Mapna Group and Neyr Perse Companies2021
422HAZOP Study for Cracked Gas, Ethylene and Propylene Refrigerant Compressors of “kangan Olefin” ProjectKangan Petrochemical Development Company2021
421HAZOP and SIL Studies for Export Jetty No.6 of MahshahrPersian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Refinery Company2021
420HAZOP and HAZID Studies for 1 & 3 Sites of Bushehr Petrochemical ComplexBushehr Petrochemical Company2021
419HAZOP and SIL Studies for TEG Dehydration Package of South Azadegan Oil Field Development Project Phase IEnerchimi Engineering Company2021
418HAZOP and SIL Studies of “Abadan/Rey Product Pipeline” ProjectDanial Petro Company2021
417HAZOP Study for “The N2 Circulator Compressor Which Belongs To Persian Gulf Apadana Methanol” ProjectPishgaman Sanat Enteghal Caspian Company2021
416HAZOP and HAZID Studies of “ SPD5-9 Equalizing Line System” ProjectPars Faragam Engineering & Construction Company2021
HAZOP Study of Incinerator Project for Mahabad Petrochemical Complex
Mahabad Petrochemical Company2021
414HAZOP Study for “EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) Conversion” project of LALEH Petrochemical ComplexLaleh Petrochemical Company2021
413Fire Zone Spacing Study for Process Units of Shahid Hasheminejad Gas Refining CompanyShahid Hasheminejad Gas Refining Company2021
412HAZOP Study for Flare Package of Persian Gulf Apadana Petrochemical ComplexPetrochemical Industries Design & Engineering Company (PIDEC)2021
411HAZOP and SIL Studies for Some Packages Related to Esfahan Southern RefineryNargan Engineers & Constructors Company2021
410HAZOP and SIL Assessment Studies for "Recycle Gas Compressor Package of Bushehr Petrochemical Complex MEG Plant"Persia Petro Gas Company2021
409HAZOP, HAZID and Value Engineering Studies of “Minab-Sirik 42 inch Gas Transfer Pipeline” ProjectTarh Andishan Consulting Engineering Company2021
408HAZOP Study for Waste Water Treatment of Cooling Water Unit of Middle East Kimiaye Pars CompanyMiddle East Kimiaye Pars Company2021
407HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies of “Utility and Offsite for Bushehr Petrochemical Complex” Project - Detailed Engineering PhaseJahanpars Engineering and Construction Company2021
406HAZOP Study of “Increasing the liquid Feed Capacity to the Olefin Unit Furnaces” ProjectAmir kabir Petrochemical Company2021
405HAZOP, SIL Assessment and SIL Verification Studies for Control System of two Boilers of Shiraz Oil RefineryIntelligent Control & Processing Company2021
404HAZID Study of “16 inch C2+ Pipeline and Receiver Trap” Project for Bandar Imam Petrochemical CompanyFaradast Energy Falat Company2021
403HAZOP Study of “Desulfurization Methane Purification Unit (MPU Package)” for MEG Plant of Farsa Chiemi PetrochemicalSina Engineering Design & Manufacturing Company2021
402HAZOP and HAZID Studies for “Renovation of Pipelines and Facilities of Marun Asmari 1 & 4 Oil Field” ProjectTarh Andishan Consulting Engineering Company2021
401QRA Study for 24” Transmission Methanol Pipeline from Mokran Petrochemical Company to Tank Farm in Shahid Beheshti PortSahand Sazeh Alborz Company2021
400HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies of Ramin Oil Field Development Project-Subsurface SectionEnerchimi Engineering Company2021
399Maintaining of Health, Safety, Environment management systemThe Region 20 Tehran Municipality2021
398SIL Assessment for MEG Unit of Bushehr Petrochemical ComplexChagalesh Consulting Engineers Company2021
397HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies For Centralized Tank Farm Of Assaluyeh Petrochemical Phase II RAJAN Petro Farayand Company2021
396HAZOP Study of LP Compressor Station and Compressor Package (SBW) in Gachsaran I & II Production UnitsMaroon Karan Technical and Engineering Company2021
395HAZOP and SIL Studies for HDPE Unit of Gachsaran Petrochemical ComplexOil Industries Engineering and Construction (OIEC)2021
394HAZOP Study of “Dry Gas Seal” System for Centrifugal Compressors of Arya Sasol Polymer CompanyTajhiz Arg Parsian Company (TAPCO)2021
393Feasibility Studies of Piping Systems for of LPG Export from Tombak PortDarya Bandar Consulting Engineers Company2021
392Fire Risk Assessment, Consequence Modeling (Including Blast Study) for Process Unit and HAZOP Study Ethoxylate Unit of Petronad Asia Petrochemical CompanyPetronad Asia Petrochemical Company2021
391HAZOP and HAZID Studies for 16” Haftkel-Izeh and 36” Maroun-Gandomkar Gas Transmission PipelineSahand Sazeh Alborz Company2021
390HAZOP and SIL Studies for Sulfur Recovery Plant of Tabriz Oil Refining CompanyOil Design and Construction Company (ODCC)2021
389HAZOP and HAZID Studies of “Gas Condensate Feed Storage Tank” Project of Bandar Abbas RefineryFara Petrosazan Energy Company2021
388HAZOP and HAZID Studies of "26 inch Bandar Abbas-Mehraran Oil Products Transmission Pipeline" ProjectTadbir Energy Gostar Iranian Company2021
387HAZOP and HAZID Studies of “Common Facilities of ASU I” for Damavand Petrochemical CompanyDamavand Petrochemical Company2020
386HAZOP Study of “Desulfurization Methane Purification Unit (MPU Package)” for MEG Plant of Bushehr Petrochemical CompanySina Engineering Design & Manufacturing Company2020
385HAZOP Study for Branched lines of Ethane and Propane from Bid Boland Refinery to Amir Kabir Petrochemical CompanyAmir Kabir Petrochemical Company2020
384HAZOP Study for Loading of N2 Line and O2 by Truck of Bushehr Petrochemical ComplexBushehr Petrochemical Complex2020
383HAZOP Study for Metering Package and Analyzer House of West Karoun Area NGL3200 Project.Metering Technology Automation Solutions (MeTAS)2020
382HAZOP, HAZID, SIL Studies of Yeild Improvement of MEK De-Waxing Unit for Iranol Compnay.Faranegar Industrial Design & Engineering Company2020
381HAZOP Study for Basic Design of New CDU (Prefractionator) of MTA Holding Oil Products ManufacturerMTA Holding Oil Products Manufacturer2020
380HAZOP Study for Storage Terminal development Plan of farasakou Assaluyeh Company Hampa Energy Engineering & Design Company (HEDCO)2020
379Review of Hazardous Area Classification for Bu Ali Sina Petrochemical CompanyBu Ali Sina Petrochemical Company2020
378HAZOP study of Hydrogen Purification Package of olefin unit of Kangan Petrochemical Development Company Sina Control Engineering design and manufacturing company2020
377Consequence Modeling and Quantitative Risk Assessment for Olefin Plant of Kian Petrochemical ComplexEnergy Industries Engineering and Design Company (EIED)2020
376HAZOP Study for Olefin Unit of Marun Petrochemical ComplexMarun Petrochemical Complex2020
375HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Zabol CGS station and Dashtak-Zabol 24” Gas PiplineTarh Andishan Consulting Engineers Company2020
374HAZOP Study for Crude Oil Storage Tanks, Booster Pumps and Utility of Sabzab Pump StationDanial Petro Company2020
373HAZOP, HAZID, SIL Studies of “Central Treatment and Export Plant (CTEP) of South Azadegan Oil Field Development (Phase I)” ProjectEnerchimi Engineering Company2020
372HAZOP and HAZID Studies of “30 inch Bandarabbas/ Laft/ Gavarzin/Gas Transmission Pipeline & 16 inch Persian Gulf Industrial Zone Gas Pressure Control Station” projectTadbir Energy Gostar Iranian Company2020
371Value Engineering for Development projects of Maroon Petrochemical ComplexTarhandishan Consulting Engineers Company2020
370HAZOP & HAZID Study of Khatoon Abad Copper Smelter Expansion ProjectCanymes Company2020
369HAZOP Study for SHZAND Petrochemical Complex Refrigeration PackageSina Control Engineering design and Manufacturing Company2020
368HAZOP Study for Flare Package of Arian Petrochemical ComplexMasnouat Felezi Sangin Company 2020
367HAZOP and SIL Studies of Utility and Offsite for Bushehr Petrochemical ComplexPetrogas Jahan Engineering Company2020
366Fire and Safety Audit Studies at Ghadeer petrochemical ComplexGhadeer Petrochemical Company2020
365HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Review of Utility and Offsite Units of Damavand Petrochemical ComplexDamavand Petrochemical Company2020
364HAZOP and SIL Studies of HDPE Unit for Soroush Mahestan Asaloyeh ComplexSoroush Mahestan Asaloyeh Company2020
363HAZOP Study of Oxygen line of Methanol Unit of Bushehr Petrochemical ComplexBushehr Petrochemical Company2020
362HAZOP and SIL Studies for Cooling Blowdown Recovery System of Masjed Soleyman Petrochemical Industries ComplexFalat Sanat Ideh Company2020
361HAZOP, HAZID, SIL Assessment and Consequence Modeling Studies of Isomerization (ISOM) unit of Shiraz Refinery CompanyJondishapour Company2020
360HAZOP, SIL Identification and SIL Verification Studies for Turbo Compressor Package of Palayesh Parsian Sepehr ComplexPersia Petro Gas Company2020
359Modeling & Updating of Fire water/foam network and firefighting and cooling systems at AR and OL units of BIPCBandar Imam Petrochemical complex (BIPC)2020
358HAZOP, HAZID and SIL studies for Wellhead, Manifold, Pipeline and Production Operation of Sepehr-Jufair ProjectChagalesh Consulting Engineers2020
357Providing Consulting Services In Transportation Safety of Pressurized Ethan Cylinders in Amirkabir Petrochemical CompanyAmirkabir Petrochemical Company2020
356Consequence Modeling and HAZID Study with Fire approach for MOTS (Mobile Oil Treatment) in Sepehr-Jofeir Oil FieldChagalesh Consulting Engineers2020
355Engineering Studies of Fireproofing for Fravaresh Petrochemical ComplexFravaresh Petrochemical Complex2020
354HAZOP and HAZID studies of “Iranshahr-Cheb 56 Inch Gas Pipeline (Section 2)”Tadbir Energy Gostar Iranian Company2020
353HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, QRA, CM Studies of “Tankage Area Facilities of Qeshm Oil Terminal in Loading and Unloading Mode” Project Shargan Consultant Engineers Company2020
352HAZOP Study of ASU and C/A (Chlor-Alkali) Units of Arvand Petrochemical CompanyArvand Petrochemical Company2020
351HAZOP and HAZID Studies of “42 inch Mokran, 20 inch Chabahar and 16 inch Konark for Sistan and Balouchestan Gas Pipeline Project”Sisakht Consulting Engineers2020
350HAZOP and SIL Assessment Studies of “Olefin  Unit” and HAZID, QRA and Consequence Modeling Studies of “Dehloran Petrochemical Complex”Energy Industries Engineering and Design Company (EIED)2020
349Fire and Safety Audit studies at Iranol Oil CompanyIranol Oil Company2020
348HAZOP and HAZID Studies of " Iranshahr to Chabahar 56 Inch Gas Pipeline" ProjectSoroush Energy Pooya Company2020
347HAZOP & HAZID Studies for “Export of West Karoon Crude Oil from Kharg” ProjectSazeh Pardazi Iran Consulting Engineers Company (SPI)2020
346HAZOP study of Connecting 4 inch line from Amirkabir West Ethylene Independent Line for feeding Ghadir Petrochemical by Hot TapAmir Kabir Petrochemical Company2020
345HAZOP & SIL Studies for “Gurreh-Jask Crude Oil Pump Station No.5”Rahbord Energy Design & Development Engineering Company2020
344HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, Consequence Modeling and Quantitative Risk Assessment studies for Acrylonitrile (AcN) Storage and Transfer Facilities of JAM ABS & Rubbers PlantJondishapour Company2020
343Integrated HAZOP & HAZID studies for ISO TANK of the Amir Kabir Petrochemical CompanyAmir Kabir Petrochemical Company2019
342SIL Verification Study of Fire and Gas System for DHT Plant of the Esfahan Oil RefineryPars Hassas Company2019
341HAZOP, HAZID studies for Khash to Mirjaveh 10” Gas Transfer Pipeline and CGS of MrjavehTehran Ramian Company2019
340HAZOP and SIL studies for Gurreh-Jask Crude Oil Pump station No.4Jondishapour Company2019
339Establishment of HSE management system in Shahrvand storesShahrvand Company2019
338HAZOP and SIL studies for Layer of Protection assessment of SCADA system for Tehran GAS StationSamavat Specialized Group (STG)2019
337HAZOP and SIL studies of Trap Terminal and Pigging Station No. 1 and 2 –Basic Design of Gurreh-Jask Pipeline and FacilitiesMiddle East Energy Development Company2019
336HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, QRA and Consequence Modeling studies of “Supplying feed from Flared Gas Streams to Persian Gulf Bid Boland Refinery, Basic Design & FEED Preparation” projectTehran Raymand Consulting Engineers Company2019
335HAZOP & SIL Studies of Second Pump Station of Goreh-Jask Oil Transferring ProjectSanat va Modiriat Iran Consulting Engineers2019
334HAZOP, HAZID, SIL Studies of Rey Sari Oil Product Transmission System Capacity Increase ProjectTarh-O-Palayesh Engineering Company2019
333HAZOP and SIL Studies Zanjan Urea Fertilizer Project-Ammonia Plant & Flare sectionPetrochemical Industries Design and Engineering Company (PIDEC)2019
332Fire and safety audit studies in process units and tank farmRubber Industries Investment and Development Company2019
331Consequence Modeling and Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) studies of ARADAN Gas Compressor StationPars Consulting Engineers Group2019
330HAZOP study of C3/C4 Mixture Transmission Pipelines from Mahshahr Facilities to Bandar Imam Petrochemical ComplexConsortium of Sazeh Consultants & Jahanpars Engineering & Construction Companies2019
329Consequence Modeling for Acetylene Flare Condensation project in the Butadiene UnitJam Petrochemical Complex2019
328HAZOP Study of Sarvestan & sa'adat Abad and Farashband Oil & Gas FieldsSouth Zagros Oil & Gas Production Company2019
327HAZOP & HAZID Studies of Pipeline Network to Transport Gas Condensate from PGSOC Feed Pipeline to QOT In QeshmQshm Oil Investment Company2019
326Action Plan Development Studies for Pardis Petrochemical CompanyPardis Petrochemical Company2019
325Fire Zone Spacing and Fireproofing Study for Tondgoyan Petrochemical ComplexTondgoyan Petrochemical Complex2019
324Modification (Mini) HAZOP Study on New Bypass Facilities for Check Valve on Export Methanol Product line of Kimiya Pars Khavarmiyaneh Petrochemical companyMiddle East Kimiaye Pars Company2019
323HAZOP Study of Propane BOG Compressor Package of Parsian Sepehr Gas RefineryHAMPA Energy Engineering and Design Company (HEDCO)2019
322HAZOP & SIL Studies of Persian Gulf Bid Boland gas treating project part B- Acid Gas & Sales Gas Pipeline and FacilitiesTehran Jonoob Technical & Construction Company2019
321HAZOP and SIL Studies of GUM Removal Project from Arak PG Feed to PGH Plant of Tabriz Petrochemical PlantNamvaran Pazhouhesh va Tose-a Company2019
320HAZOP Review, SIL Assessment, SIL Verification Studies for HDPE, OLEFIN, Utility and offsite of Ilam Petrochemical CompanyIlam Petrochemical Company2019
319HAZID study of Ethane Pipeline from Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Treating Plant to Gachsaran Petrochemical PlantPersian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Treating Plant2019
318HAZOP & HAZID Studies of Parsi Separation and Compressor/ Pump Station (ABSILAB Station - Crude Oil Production Unit)Binak Mechanic Company2019
317HAZID Study of Utilities and Offsite of Mokran Petrochemical Complex-Stage 1Namvaran Pazhouhesh va Tose-a Company2019
316Integrated HAZID and HAZOP Study of Chlorine Unloading Facilities (from 1 ton cylinders to 90 ton storage tank)Karun Petrochemical Company2019
315HAZOP & HAZID Studies for 30 & 20 Inches Gas Transmission Pipeline from Bidboland to GachsaranPetro Sadian-Tehran Berkeley Company2019
314HAZID and HAZOP Studies of JASK Crude Oil Storage Tanks and facilitiesPetro Omid Asia Company2019
313HAZID and HAZOP Studies of JASK Terminal, SPM & Marine FacilitiesConsortium of Soroush Energy Poya and Tarh-e-Nowandishan Company2019
312HAZID and HAZOP Studies of 32” Sour Gas Feed Pipeline between Phase 14B and Phase 12 of South Pars Gas RefineryBorna Tadbir Behta Company2019
311HAZOP Study of Flare Recovery and Desulfurization Facilities of Bank G of Maroun 3 PlantHirbod Niroo Company2019
310HAZOP Study of Ethane Pipeline and Metering facilities from Bid Boland II (Part B) to NF unit of Bandar Imam Petrochemical in Mahshahr Especial ZoneMaroun Mechanic Company2019
309Improve the safety situation at the raw materials and product warehouses of Arvand Petrochemical CompanyArvand Petrochemical Company2019
308Job Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment by JHA Method for whole Job in Laleh Petrochemical CompanyLaleh Petrochemical Company2019
307HAZOP Study Report for Nitrogen Package of Palayesh Parsian SepehrHavayar Industrial Group2019
306HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, QRA, RAM and ENVID Studies for Aban Oil Field Development and Paydar West ProjectTehran Raymand Consulting Engineers Company2019
305HAZOP Study for 32" Sour Gas Pipeline from IGAT 5 to the Unit 170 of Phase 14 of South ParsNeyr Perse Company2019
304HAZOP, HAZID & Consequence analysis Studies for Ethane, Propane, Butane & C5+ export lines between client plant and Mobin Corridor and relevant Valve StationPalayesh Parsian Sepehr Company2019
303Design of Fire Alarm System at the product warehouse and packing Section of Laleh Petrochemical ComplexLaleh Petrochemical Company2018
302HAZOP Study on 1,3-Butadien/ Acrylonitrile Transfer Pipelines between JPC/Pars Port to PadJam Petrochemical Plant Petroelectric Energy Development Company2018
301HAZOP study of Steam Methane Reformer Unit of Ardebil Methanol PlantArta Energy Company2018
300HAZOP study of Cargo Storage Tanks and Transferring Facilities of Exir Chemical TerminalExir Chemical Terminal Company2018
299HAZOP study of Compressed Air and Nitrogen Generation Packages of Persian Gulf Bid Boland II Gas Treating CompanyHavayar Industrial Group2018
298Hazard Identification Studies by FMEA Method for SIGMA 1-14 CentrifugeArmin Shegarf Company2018
297SIL Verification Study in CPF Section of Azar Oil Production UnitJahanpars Company2018
296Job Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment by JHA Method for whole Job in Mahabad Petrochemical CompanyMahabad Petrochemical Company2018
295Job Safety Analysis for whole Job in Morvarid Petrochemical CompanyMorvarid Petrochemical Company2018
294HAZID and HAZOP Studies of Fuel Gas Letdown Station (GPRS) of Besat Power Plant (Central Power Plant of South Pars Gas Field Development)Monenco Iran Consulting Engineers2018
293HAZOP Study for MPU of Shazand Petrochemical CompanySina Control Company2018
292HAZOP and HAZID Studies of Seawater Intake Unit and Chlorination Package for Phase14 of South Pars Gas DevelopmentSahel Omid Iranian Consultant Engineers Company2018
291HAZOP Study of H2 PSA Purification for Tabriz Oil RefineryHavayar Industrial Group2018
290Mini HAZOP Study for Installation of New Carbon Steel Filter on inlet of Sweet Gas to Recovery Ethane UnitBushehr Petrochemical Complex2018
289HAZOP Study of MEG Plant Flare Package of Bushehr Petrochemical CompanyTehran Javan Company2018
288HAZOP and HAZID Studies of Bandar Abbas Sulphuric Acid Transport of Copper Terminal Project (EPC&O) Related to Sarcheshmeh Copper Investment CompanyScetiran Consulting Engineers Company2018
287HAZOP, HAZID & QRA Studies of basic design and supervision services for Khormooj and Abpakhsh BGCS-IGATVIScetiran Consulting Engineers Company2018
286 Consequence Modeling (CM) and DOW Studies distance between the new acid storage tank and adjacent equipmentSarcheshmeh Copper Complex2018
285HAZOP Study of Central Waste Water Unit of Bandar Imam PetrochemicalMojan Engineering Company2018
284HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Ethane and Ethylene Storage Tanks and Pyrolysis Gasoline Loading/ Raffinate Unloading Facilities for Amir Kabir Petrochemical ComplexAmirKabir Petrochemical Complex2018
283SIL Verification Study of CO2 Compressor Package of Bushehr MEG PlantPersian Petro Gas (PPG) Company2018
282Fire Water Demand Calculation of Marun Pouya Polymer Company (MPPC)Marun Pouya Polymer Company (MPPC)2018
281HAZOP & HAZID Studies Six Renew existing Gavarzin Gas Field Flowlines replacement, GZ09 Wellhead, Reception and Separation Facilities EPC ProjectSAIED  Sanat Maroon Company2018
280Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) Study of Azar Oil Product PipelineIran Arvin Engineering & Construction Co. (IAC)2018
279HAZOP and SIL Assessment and SIL Verification Studies for Lavan Integrated Methanol and Ammonia PlanLavan Industry Development Company2018
278HAZOP Study for Bitumen Units of Bandar Abbas and Esfahan Oil RefineryJey Oil Refining Company2018
277HAZOP study of Feed Gas Metering Package of Sodium Carbonate Kaveh PlantKaveh Sodium Carbonate Company2018
276Fireproofing Study for Structure of Aria Sasol Polymer CompanyAria Sasol Polymer Company2018
275HAZOP & SIL Studies of Ethane Feed Pipeline between Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Treating Plant and Gachsaran Petrochemical PlantPersian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Treating Plant2018
274HAZOP & HAZID Studies for C2+ Pipeline from Mohr Site to Assaluyeh Site-Parsian Sepehr C2+ and Fractionation ProjectSisakht Consulting Engineers Company2018
273Maintaining and developing of HSE management system based on HSE management system requirements of Tehran municipalityAbbas Abad Land Rehabilitation organization2018
272HAZID Study of Sulfur Export Jetty of Mahshahr TerminalHendeseh Pars Company2018
271HAZOP & Safety Studies for Effluent Treatment Plant-VOC Gases Treatment of Marun PetrochemicalPayesh Zist Azma Group (EMACO)2018
270Quantitative Risk Assessment Study in Pardis Petrochemical ComplexPardis Petrochemical Complex2018
269HAZOP & SIL Studies of Part B of Mahshahr Facilities and Pipelines of Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Treating ProjectTehran Jonoob Technical & Construction Company2018
268Quantitative Risk assessment Study of the feed pump boiler building in Road Shoor Power Plant by using QRA methodMapna Company2018
267HAZID Study of Mahshahr Terminal Sulphur Export JettyOmran Sahel Company2018
266HAZOP & SIL Studies of Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Treating Project Unit 460 - 120 T/H New Package BoilerTarahan va mojrian Farayand Bokhar2018
265Consequence Modelling Analysis Study for B1, BD and LDPE units of Amir Kabir Petrochemical CompanyAmir Kabir Petrochemical Complex2018
264Modelling and updating of water and fire foam network, fire extinguishing and cooling systems in tanks and equipment of Aromatic PlantBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex (BIPC)2017
263HAZOP and SIL Studies of Steam Generation Unit of Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Treating Plant Azarab Industries Company2017
262HAZOP and SIL Studies of CO2 Compressor Package of MEG Unit of Bushehr Petrochemical CompanyPersian Petro Gas (PPG) Company2017
261HAZOP Study for Ethylene Oxide, Ethanol Amine, Glycol Ether and Ethoxylation Units of Hamedan Ibn Sina PetrochemicalHamedan Ibn Sina Petrochemical Company2017
260HAZOP study of BD Production Unit of Basparan Bandar Imam Petrochemical ComplexBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex (BIPC)2017
259HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Completion of 56 Inch Gas Pipeline from Aftab Gas Refinery to IGAT-7Maroon Karan Company2017
258Prepare of Master Document Register (MDR) list in industrial projectsBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex (BIPC)2017
257Design of portable fire extinguishers at the MTBE unit and Utility unit of Bandar Imam Petrochemical ComplexBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex (BIPC)2017
256HAZOP, HAZID, QRA and SIL Studies for Process and Utility PlantGovernmental Client2017
255Carrying out an inspection for implementation Fireproofing in Kimia and Basparan Bandar Imam Petrochemical ComplexBandar Imam Petrochemical Company (BIPC)2017
254HAZOP Study of LP Compressor Station for Gathering of 2nd Stage Excess Gas in Gachsaran I & II Production UnitsMaroon Karan Technical and Engineering Company2017
253HAZOP Study for Esfahan Oil Refinery- Five Utility Packages ProjectNeyr Pers Company2017
252Fire and Explosion Study by Using DOW Method in Pasargad Oil CompanyPasargad Oil Company2017
251HAZOP Study for Ethylene Let down Station of Arvand Petrochemical CompanyArvand Petrochemical Company2017
250Blast Analysis of Control Room and Substation Building in Central Waste Water Treatment of Bandar Imam Petrochemical ComplexBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex (BIPC)2017
249HAZOP & SIL Studies for Abadan Refinery Upgrading Project-Phase 1 (CDU, VDU and LPG Recovery Unit)Oil Design and Construction Company (ODCC)2017
248Job Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment by JHA Method in JAM Petrochemical ComplexJam Petrochemical Company2017
247Job Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment by JHA Method in Tehran Parks & Green Space OrganizationMunicipality of Tehran- Tehran Parks & Green Space Organization2017
246Engineering Studies of Fireproofing for Amir Kabir Petrochemical CompanyAmir Kabir Petrochemical Company2017
245HAZOP Study for Siraf Condensate Refinery Project-Jetty SystemEnergy Industries Engineering & Design (EIED)2017
244HAZOP, HAZID, SIL and QRA Studies for west Karun power plant & facilities gas & water supply projectJahanpars Company2017
243SIL Study,SIL Verification,Improvement of Client Instrument and SRS Studies Development for Parsian C2 Recovery and C2+ Fractionation ProjectHampa Energy Engineering and Design Company (HEDCO)2017
242Consequence Modeling Study for LPG Road Tanker unloading in Amir Kabir Petrochemical CompanyAmir Kabir Petrochemical Company2017
241HAZOP Study for Parsian C2 Recovery and C2+ Fractionation ProjectHampa Energy Engineering and Design Company (HEDCO)2017
240HAZOP and SIL studies of Desalter Package for Central Processing Facilities of AZAR Oil Field Development ProjectGastech Company2017
239HSE Gap Analysis at the raw materials warehouses and PVC unit warehouseBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex2017
238Design & implement of training software according to Process Safety Management (PSM) traininBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex2017
237Dikes Wall Standardization of Basparan Complex by Using Credible ReferencesBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex2017
236HAZOP, HAZID& SIL studies for NaftSefid Oil Field Gas and Oil System Optimization and Renovation Project (Detailed Eng.phase)Tarhandishan Consulting Engineers Company2017
235HAZOP & Safety studies for Effluent Treatment Plant-VOC Gases TreatmentPayesh ZistAzma Group (EMACO)2017
234HAZOP Study for New 20”Natural Gas Pipeline Facilities of Bandar Imam Petrochemical ComplexBandar Imam Khomeini Petrochemical Company (BIPC)2017
233HAZID Study of Sour Gas Interconnecting Pipeline between South Pars RefineriesSazeh Consulting Engineers Company2017
232HAZOP and SIL studies of Reverse Osmosis PackageAVE Company2017
231Quantitative Risk Assessment Study for fuel gas station of Bandar Imam Petrochemical ComplexBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex2017
230SIL Study for Utility and Off-site Units of Esfahan Oil RefineryNeyr Perse (Mapna Group)2016
229Providing Consulting Services and training in order to improving and maintaining HSE management systemParks & Green Space Organization of Tehran Municipality2016
228HAZOP Study for Product Loading Arms of Esfahan Oil RefineryPetro Tech Sun (PTS)2016
227Hazard Study and Feasibility studies of Electricity Post displacement, and Flare Layout in OL2 unitBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex2016
226Reviewing the existing conditions and presenting improvement solutions in HSE field in the workshops and warehouses of Sharif university of technologySharif University of Technology2016
225HAZOP and SIL studies for Interconnecting Pipelines Between South Pars Refineries for Site 1&2Sazeh Consulting Engineers Company2016
224HAZID Study in Construction and Commissioning Phase & HAZOP Study of Package of Azar Oil Field Development ProjectJahanpars Company2016
223Quantitative Risk Assessment study for LPG Loading for Tombak Service and Export PortOmran Sahel Company2016
222HAZOP and HAZID studies of South Pars Gas Refineries I & II Common CorridorBorna Tadbir2016
221HAZOP and HAZID studies for West Karun Oil Transmission Capacity IncreaseTarh O Palayesh Engineering Company2016
220HAZOP Study for CO2 Compressor of LORDEGAN Petrochemical CompanyHavayar Industrial Group2016
219HAZOP Study for Laleh Petrochemical Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)Laleh Petrochemical Complex2016
218HAZOP Study for Parsian C2+ Recovery & FractionHampa Energy Engineering & Design Company (HEDCO)2016
217HAZOP Study of Hydrogen Transfer Pipeline of Karoun Petrochemical CompanyKaroun Petrochemical Company2016
216HAZOP Study of South Pars Central Combined Cycle Power PlantFarab Company2016
215HAZOP, HAZID, SIL & QRA Studies for South Yaran Oil Field Development Wellhead Facilities and Flow LinesSoroush Energy Pooya (SEP)2016
214HAZOP Study for Dalan Pig Launcher/ Receiver FacilitiesSouth Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company (SZOGPC)2016
213HAZOP and SIL Studies for Esfahan Oil Refinery DHT UnitNargan Company2016
212Safety Study for Construction of Refrigeration unit of Bidboland refinery in BIPCBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex2016
211HAZOP Study of PVC Unit of Bandar Imam Petrochemical CompanyBandar Imam Basparan Complex2016
210HAZID & QRA Studies of Pipeline routed from BIPC to out of the complexBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex2016
209Hazardous Area Classification study of Olefin Unit of Faravaresh Petrochemical ComplexBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex2016
208HAZOP Study for SIRAF Condensate RefineryEnergy Industries Engineering & Design Com. (EIED)2016
207HAZOP Study for 5MWe Sabalan Geothermal Pilot Power Plant ProjectPetro Tech Sun and Nima Consulting Eng. Co. (PTN)2016
206HAZOP Study for Ammonia Unit of Lordegan Urea Fertilizer CompanyLordegan Urea Fertilizer Company2016
205HAZOP Study for Storage Tanks of Esfahan Oil RefineryNeyr Perse Company2016
204HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Offshore/Onshore Pipelines & SBM of Kish Gas Field Development ProjectOmran sahel Company2016
203SIL Study for Platform A20 & A21 of Aboozar Oil Field ProjectJahanpars Engineering and Construction Company2016
202HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Wellhead Facilities & Flow Lines (North Side) of South Azadegan ProjectOil Design and Construction Company (ODCC)2016
200HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, RAM, QRA and CM Studies of Iran Oman Gas Pipeline ProjectTehran Raymand Consulting Engineers Company2015
199HAZOP and SIL Studies LTE Splitting Unit of Noori Petrochemical ComplexSazeh Consultants Engineering & Construction2015
198HAZOP Study for First & Second Methanol Production Units of Zagros Petrochemical ComplexZagros Petrochemical Complex2015
197HAZOP and HAZID Studies for Continuous Bitumen Blowing Plant of Khorramshahr Bitumen ProjectRAMPCO Group Engineering, Construction & Maintenance2015
196HAZOP Study for Gasoil Hydrotreating Unit (GHDS) of Tabriz Oil RefineryOil Design and Construction Company (ODCC)2015
195HAZOP, HAZID, SIL & QRA Studies for Central Processing Facilities of Azar Oil Field DevelopmentEnerchimi Engineering Company2015
194Development of Training System Based on PSM Approach for BIPC PlantBandar Imam Petrochemical Complex (BIPC)2015
193HAZOP and SIL Studies for Ammonia & Urea Units of MIS (Masjed Soleyman Petrochemical Industries Co.) PlantPetrochemical Industries Design & Engineering Company (PIDEC)2015
192HAZOP Study for Flare Package of Marjan Petrochemical ComplexKimiagaran Sanat Pars Company2015
191Quantitative Risk Assessment and Consequence Modelling Studies for Pipelines related to Karun-Ahwaz Corridor for both Existing and Renovation ConditionsTarhandishan Consulting Engineers Company2015
190HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Pipelines, Tankage Area and Jetties of Mokran Petrochemical CompanySazeh Pardazi Iran Consulting Eng. Co2015
189Fireproofing Study for VC، CA and MTBE Unites of Kimia Petrochemical ComplexKimia Petrochemical Complex-BIPC2015
188Blast Study for VC Unit of Kimia Petrochemical ComplexKimia Petrochemical Complex-BIPC2015
187HAZOP and SIL Studies for Ammonia Unit and Offsite Facilities of Lavan Petrochemical ComplexHampa Energy Engineering & Design Company2015
186HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Wellhead Facilities & Flow lines of Azar Oil Field Development ProjectIran Gas & Water Development Company2015
185HAZOP Study for Wellhead Control Panel (WHCP) of Azar Oil Field Development ProjectKardanan Shargh Company2015
184HAZOP and SIL Studies for Urea Unit and Offsite Facilities of Hormoz Petrochemical Complex Fertilizer ProjectPetrochemical Industries Design and Engineering Company (PIDEC)2015
183HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Oil & Gas Transfer pipelines of North Yaran Oil Field DevelopmentTehran Jonoob Technical & Construction Company2015
182HAZOP Review for NF3 PlantFaravaresh Petrochemical Company-BIPC2015
181HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Cluster Section of North Yaran Oil Field Development ProjectJondishapour Company2015
180HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Cluster Facilities of Kish Gas Field Development ProjectMaroon Karan Company2015
179HAZOP and SIL Studies for Ammonia Unit of Hormoz Petrochemical ComplexPetrochemical Industries Design and Engineering Company (PIDEC)2015
178HAZOP Study for Spent Caustic Pretreatment of Olefin Unit of Bandar Imam Petrochemical CompanyFan Atlas Nopa Company2015
177HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, RAM and Noise Studies for Process, Utility, Interconnecting Units and Pipeline of NGL3200SADAF Company2015
176Noise Study for Azar Oil Field Development ProjectEnerchimi Engineering Company2015
175HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies of Dorood D22 Wellhead PlatformSaff Rose Mond Engineering & Management Company2015
174Consequence Analysis, QRA, Blast and RAM Studies of North Yaran Oil Field Development ProjectJondishapour Company2015
173HAZOP and HAZID Studies of Polypropylene Truck Unloading FacilitiesPars Geometry Consultant Engineers Company2015
172HAZOP and SIL Studies for C3/C4 Refrigeration, Storage and Ship Loading of Bandar Abbas Persian Gulf Star Gas Condensate RefineryShanul Farayand Company2015
171Planning and Establishment of Citizenship HSE Management System and Inspection and monitoring of Performance of Responsible Units in the 22 regions of Tehran MunicipalityTehran Municipality2015
170HAZOP, HAZID, QRA and ERP Studies of Compensate for the Effects of Chamshir Dam Construction ProjectTarhandishan Consulting Engineers Company2014
169Fireproofing Study for Five Units of Basparan Petrochemical CompanyBasparan Petrochemical Complex-BIPC2014
168Mercaptans Odor Tolerability Analysis Using Consequence Modeling in Odorant Production PlantJahanpars Company2014
167HAZOP and RAM Studies for Gas Sweetening and Sulfur Recovery Units of NGL 3200 PlantTehran Raymand Consulting Engineers Company2014
166HAZID Study of NGL 3100 PlantEnergy Industries Engineering & Design (EIED)2014
165F&G and Process Engineering Studies Sirri Island Comprehensive Fire Protection and F&G Systems DesignRAMPCO Group Engineering, Construction & Maintenance2014
164HAZOP, SIL, Consequence Modeling, Blast, Fireproofing and Safety Engineering Studies for Wellhead and Gas Gathering FacilitiesEast Oil & Gas Co (ICOFC)2014
163HAZOP Study for PLINK Unit of Karoun Petrochemical CompanyKaroun Petrochemical Company2014
162HAZOP, HAZID, QRA and Firefighting Studies Design for MEK4 Unit of Behran Oil CompanyBehran Oil Company2014
161HAZOP Study for Offsite and Utility Facilities of Sahand Khalij-e Fars Bitumen Production PlantSahand Khalij-e Fars Company2014
160HAZOP Study on Oxygen Transfer Pipeline between Mobin Petrochemical Complex and Morvarid Petrochemical ComplexPetrochemical Industries Design & Engineers Company (PIDEC)2014
159HAZOP Study for Offsite Facilities of Kermanshah Polymer CompanyKermanshah Polymer Company2014
158HAZOP Study of Four Packages Related to Ammonia and Urea Unit No. IIIPardis Petrochemical Company2014
156HAZOP Study of Phase 12 Interconnecting Pipeline to C2+ Recovery UnitNargan Engineers & Constructors Company2014
155HAZOP, HAZID and QRA Studies for NGL-3100 PipelinesEnergy Industries Engineering & Design (EIED)2014
154SIL Assessment and SIL Verification Studies Lifecycle Analysis of Safety Instrumented System (SIS)Parsian Gas Processing Company2014
153HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, QRA, CM and RAM Studies for North Yaran Oil Field ProjectEnerchimi Engineering Company2014
152Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) for Arya Sasol Polymer CompanyArya Sasol Polymer Company2014
151HAZOP, ERP and Gap Analysis Studies for Sepehr Tower of Saderat Bank of IranSaderat Bank of Iran2014
150HAZOP Study of South Pars Phase 1 Flare Relocation ProjectOil Design and Construction Company (ODCC)2014
149HAZOP Study for BIPC Petrochemical Complex Basparan HDPE UnitBandar Imam Petrochemical Company (BIPC)2014
148HAZOP Study for Kermanshah Polymer Complex Hydrogen UnitKermanshah Polymer Company2014
147HAZOP Study for Bandar Abbas Gas Condensate Refinery Power PlantFARAB Energy & Water Projects2014
146HAZOP Study for Kharg NGL Water IntakeOmran Falat Company2014
145HAZOP Study for South Pars Phases 20&21Oil Industries Engineering and Construction (OIEC)2013
144Consequence Modeling,Blast and Fireproofing Studies in Process Units of Parsian Gas Refining CompanyParsian Gas Refining Company2013
143HAZOP Study of Jurassic Gas Condensate Gathering & Stabilization of Masjed-i-SoleimanTarhandishan Consulting Engineers2013
142HAZOP Study for Chlorine Purification Unit of Khuzestan Petrochemical Co.Khuzestan Petrochemical Company2013
141HAZOP Study for South Pars Phases 17&18Industrial Projects Management of Iran (IPMI)2013
140HAZOP and SIL Studies for West Ethylene Pipeline Compressor StationsOil Turbo Compressor Construction Company (OTCC)2013
139SIL Study for Natural Gas Odorant Production UnitJahanpars Engineering and Construction Company2013
138HAZOP Study for Haftkel Production UnitOil & Energy Industries Development Company (OEID)2013
137Safety and Security Risk Assessment and Management for Al-Tajiyat and Al-Zawraa Football Stadiums in Baghdad, IraqTTBP Consulting Engineers Company2013
136HAZOP and HAZID Studies on Reformer CO2 Recovery Unit of Kermanshah Petrochemical ComplexShahrekord Carbon Dioxide (SCD)2013
135HAZID and Gap Analysis Studies Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Hazard Identification for Bu Ali Sina Petrochemical ComplexBu Ali Sina Petrochemical Company2013
134HAZOP Study of Utility Units of Lordegan Petrochemical CompanyHampa Energy Design & Engineering Company (HEDCO)2013
133HAZOP Study in Gas Injection Compressor Unit of Sarvestan & Saadatabad Production PlantOil Design and Construction Company (ODCC)2013
132HAZOP and QRA Studies in Conceptual and Basic design of NGL-2400 PlantEnerchimi Engineering Company2013
131HAZOP, SIL, CM and QRA studies for Farashband Gas Processing FacilitiesEnerchimi Engineering Company2013
130HAZOP Study for Damavand Petrochemical Complex Gas StationPetro Part Company2013
129Buildings Blast and Exposure Risk Assessment studies of Sirri NGL PlantNGI and Oil Industries Commissioning& Operation Company (OICO)2013
128HAZOP, HAZID and SIL studies Foroozan Field Development New F18 Platform Hazard Identification and SIL StudyIran International General Contractor (IGC)2013
127HAZID Study for Shirkooh (Yazd) Power Plant FARAB Energy & Water Projects2013
126Concept Risk Assessment and Optimization of Farzad-A Gas Field DevelopmentSLT International2013
125Consequence Modeling study of oxygen plants in Mobarakeh Steel, Saba and new development plantsEsfahan Mobarakeh Steel Company2013
124HAZOP and SIL Studies of Dehdasht Petrochemical Company- Offsite and Utility sectionBamdej Tarh Consulting Engineers2013
122HAZOP Study of Naft-e-Sefid Oil Production UnitShanul Farayand Consulting Engineers Company2013
121 HAZOP and SIL Studies for Yadavaran Oilfield Compressors and API Pumps PackagesSINOPEC Services2012
120HAZOP, HAZID & SIL Studies for Abouzar Offshore Oilfield Expansion Consortium of Jahanpars & DRGOIL2012
119HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Genaveh 10mBBL Storage Tanks Tehran Jonoob Technical and Construction Company2012
118HAZOP, HAZID, SIL and QRA Studies for Yadavaran Oilfield Development Export PipelinesJahanpars Engineering and Construction Company2012
117HAZOP, HAZID, PIM, ERP and QRA Studies of NISOC Oil, Gas and NGL Pipeline CrossingsTarhandishan Consulting Engineers Company2012
116HAZOP,HAZID, RAM, SIL and QRA for Azar Oilfield Development Hazard Identification Tehran Raymand Consulting Engineers Company2012
115HAZOP Study of 32" Gas Transfer Pipeline between Phase 6, 7&8 and Phase 17&18Industrial Projects Management of Iran (IPMI)2012
114HAZOP and HAZID Studies Bahregan Field Crude Oil Storage Capacity Expansion Project Tehran Berkeley Consulting Engineers Company2012
113HAZOP and Quantitative Risk Assessment Studies Setareh Qeshm Bunkering and Shipping Services ProjectQeshm Star Bunkering and Shipping Services Company2012
112HAZOP, HAZID, QRA and Buildings Risk Assessment Studies for West Karoun Fields Revamping ProjectEnergy Industries Engineering & Design (EIED)2012
111HAZOP, HAZID and QRA of Abadan-Rey Pipeline Pump StationsBina Consulting Engineers Company2012
110HAZOP Study on Arak Petrochemical Company Storage Tanks and Export Facilities at MahshahrIran Itok Company2012
109HAZOP and SIL Studeis for Yadavaran Oilfield Development Project LLI Packages and EPCC Packages InterfacesSINOPEC Services2012
108Fault Tree Analysis(FTA) study for Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of Mobarakeh Steel Complex Cranes OperationsEsfahan Mobarakeh Steel Company2012
107HAZOP Study of Firuzabad Olefin ComplexNargan Engineering Company (NEC)2012
106HAZOP Study on Fractionation Section of Parsian C2+ Recovery ProjectHampa Energy Engineering and Design Company (HEDCO)2012
105HAZOP Study on Utility Units of Zanjan Petrochemical PlantHampa Energy Engineering and Design Company (HEDCO)2012
104Consequence Modeling study Shurijeh Gas Treatment, Injection and Storage Facilities – Safety AnalysisJondi Shapour Company2012
103HAZOP and SIL Studies on Jetty and Loading Facilities of Kharg NGL Recovery PlantRahbord Energy Design & Development Engineering Company2012
102HAZOP, SIL and QRA Studies of Yadavaran EPS FacilitiesJahanpars Engineering and Construction Company2012
101HAZOP Study of Utility FacilitiesKermanshah petrochemical complex2012
100HAZOP and HAZID Studies of Iran Qeshm Oil Production Unit |ExtensionSaied Sanat Maron Company2012
99Fire Risk Identification, HAZID, Gap Assessment and QRA for Plastic Films Production PlantBayazian Industrial Group2012
98HAZOP & SIL Studies on Boroujen Petrochemical Company Utility and Off-Site plantBamdej Tarh Consulting Engineers2012
97HAZOP Study on Damavand Power & Steam Generation PlantMapna Special Projects Construction & Development Company (MD-3)2012
96Smoke Zone DefinitionSmoke, Determination of volumetric flowrate of fans for each smoke zone, Fire size Determination Studies Extract and Ventilation Management of Padideh ShandizATEC Consultants2012
95HAZOP Study of Mehr Petrochemical Company-Offsite and Utility sectionPetro-Sazeh Iranian Company2012
94HAZOP Study of Iran LNG Water PackageKherad Industry Technical & Engineering Company2012
93HAZOP Study on South Pars Gas Field Development – Phase 20 & 21Oil Turbo Compressor Company (OTCC)2012
92HAZOP and SIL Studies of Gas Treating Units – Iran LNG ComplexSazeh Consultants2012
91HAZOP & SIL Studies on 4th Pataveh Gas Compressor StationDesign & Inspection Company2011-2012
90HAZOP Study on Pardis 3rd Ammonia ProjectNamavaran Delvar Engineering Company (NDEC)2011-2012
89HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Latif Flow line & Reception Facility at Sawan Central Processing Plant ProjectCombined Engineering & Integrated Solutions (CEIS)2011
88HAZOP Study on DRA Production PlantAras Sepehr Afza Company2011
86HAZOP and SIL Studies on Yadavaran Oil Field Development - Flow and Infield Lines and Manifolds System and wellhead areaKhalkhal Dasht International2011
85HAZOP and SIL Studies on Yadavaran Oil Field Development - Gas/Oil Separation Unit (GOSU) and Central Treatment Export Plant (CTEP)Jahan Pars E&C Company2011
84HAZOP Study on HPU & WHCP & OWS Packages of South Pars Phases 15/16Iran Shipbuilding & Offshore Industries Complex Company (ISOICO)2011
83HAZOP Study on Kharg Island Gas Gathering & NGL Recovery Project-Dorood I & IIBIDEC Company2011
82HAZOP, HAZID and Consequence Modeling studies on Tange-e-Bijar & Kamankuh Gas FieldTehran Raymand Consulting Engineers2011
81HAZOP and SIL Studies for Yadavaran Field Development Early Production SystemJahan Pars E&C Company2011
80HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for IGAT VI Khoormouj and Deylam Compressor StationsPars Engineering Company2011
79HAZOP and SIL Studies for Mamassani Petrochemical Company Utility and Off-SitesBamdej Tarh Engineering & Management2011
78HAZOP Study for RIPI Gas Distribution NetworkMaad Kimia Farayand Consulting Engineers Company2011
77HAZOP Study for Kermanshah Petrochemical CompanyKermanshah Petrochemical Company2011
76Model Safety Integrity Levels (SIL) Analysis for Sirri NGL ProjectIranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC)2011
75EIA and EMMP studies for Varavi Development ProjectFarab-Nardis Consortium2011
74HAZOP, HAZID, RAM, CM, QRA and Comprehensive Safety Analysis for Kharg NGL Project Utility AreaFarab-Nardis Consortium2011-2012
73HAZID Study for Kharg NGL ProjectIran International Engineering Company (IRITEC)2010-2011
72Quantitative Risk Assessment and Management for Kharg NGL Project Storage AreaDesign and Construction Management Company (DCMC)2010-2012
71HAZOP and SIL Studies of Qeshm Topping PlantNik Sanaat Parsian Investment Company2010-2011
70HAZOP and HAZID studies Masjid-i-Suleyman Field Development Project Hazard Identification StudiesChina National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)2010
69HAZOP Study on Flare Relocation Project for South Pars Phase 1Petro Part Company2010
68Consequence Modeling and Risk Assessment studies for Kharg NGL ProjectIran International Engineering Company (IRITEC)2010-2012
67HAZOP Study in Arak, Shiraz and Tabriz Bitumen PlantsPasargad Oil Company (POC)2010-2011
66HAZID Study in Bandar Imam Bitumen Export/Import TerminalPasargad Oil Company (POC)2010
65HAZOP Study of Tehran Refinery Sweetening PlantTanootas Taban Engineering and Construction Company2010
64HAZOP Study of Bandar Abbas Refinery Gasoline Production Increase ProjectPetrochemical Industries Design & Engineering Co. (PIDEC)2010
63HAZOP, HAZID and Equipment and unit layout analysis studies Shurijeh Gas Storage Project for Risk Management Decision Support StudiesJondi Shapour Company2010-2011
62HAZOP, HAZID, RAM, EIA and QRA Dorood III Compressor Station Alborz Masir Company2010
61MC Services (HSE) for Abadan Bitumen Production PlantPasargad Oil Company (POC)2010-2012
60MC Services (HSE) for Mahshahr Bitumen Export TerminalPasargad Oil Company (POC)2010
59HAZOP Study of Hengam Field Early Production ProjectIran Offshore Oil Company (IOOC)2010
58HAZID Study of Hengam Field Early Production ProjectIran Offshore Oil Company (IOOC)2010
57HAZOP, HAZID and QRA Studies for Karun-Ahwaz Pipeline CorridorTarhandishan Consulting Engineers Company2009
56HAZOP Study of Sulphur Granulation PlantEhsan Joint Venture2009
55HAZOP Study of Sirri-Assaluyeh PipelineIran International General Contractor (IGC)2009
54EIA and EMMP Studies Dehloran Development ProjectIran Central Oil Fields Company (ICOFC)2009
53HAZOP Study of Fajr-2 Co-generation PlantMapna Special Projects Construction & Development Company (MD-3)2009
52HAZOP Study of Persian Gulf Star Refinery Water IntakeSADRA Iran Marine Industrial Company2009
51HAZOP Study of Rangin Caman Project (Site F)Paydar Energy Persia Consulting Engineers2009
50HAZOP Study of Serajeh Gas Field Early Production Surface Facilities Phase "1"-Part"2"Iran Itok Company2009
49HAZOP Study of NGL-1000 Gas Pre-compression UnitKherad Industry Technical & Engineering Co2009
48HAZOP, QRA and SIL for Bandar Abbas Oil Refinery - Section ABandar Abbas Oil Refinery2009-2010
47HAZOP, HAZID and SIL Studies for Lavan Island Power Plants Fuel Supply ProjectPayandan Company2009
46Risk Management and Contractors' HSE Management System DevelopmentPasargad Oil Company (POC)2009-2010
45HAZOP Study Power Generation Plant - South Pars Gas Field Development Phase 6, 7, 8Hirbodan Engineering Company2009
44Consequence Modeling studies of Major Process Accidents in Esfahan Oil RefineryNational Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company2008
43Consequence Modeling study of Major Process Accidents in Arak Oil RefineryArak Oil Refinery2008
42HAZOP and HAZID Studies of Sirri Platforms Renovation ProjectDarya Sahel Company2008
41Consequence Modeling study South Gashu Gas Field Development Project – Consequence AnalysisTehran Raymand Consultants2008
40HSE Philosophy, Fire and Explosion Analysis, Fire Protection Philosophy and Hazardous Area Classification Rangin Caman (Chemicals Manufacturing) Aria Pishro Gharn and Rangin Caman Engineering Office2008
39Consequence Modeling of Probable Process Accidents in Bidboland Gas RefineryBidboland Gas Refinery2008
38Risk Assessment for NGL-3100 (Cheshme Khosh) Sazeh Consultants2008
37Consequence Modeling of Probable Process Accidents in Tondguyan Petrochem Complex Tondguyan Petrochemical Complex2008
36Safety Engineering Services for Khesht Oilfield Development Detail EngineeringSADRA Iran Marine Industrial Company2008
35HAZOP, HAZID, QRA and FMECA studies Bandar Abbas Refinery Feed Supply Pipeline and Single Point Mooring (SPM) ProjectRastar Farayand Company2008
34HAZOP Study Bandar Abbas Bitumen & Heavy Petroleum Products Export TerminalMiddle East Energy Development Company (MEDCO)2008
33Consequence Modeling study Ammonia and Chlorine Storages Consequence Modeling in Shiraz Petrochem ComplexShiraz Petrochemical Complex2008
32HAZOP study Lavan Refinery Upgrading & Revamping Project Offsite Utility & Storage Tanks Project (EPC)-Part 2 Iran International General Contractor (IGC)2008
31HAZOP Study of Lavan Oil Refinery - Existing Heavy Naphtha Hydrotreating UnitIran International General Contractor (IGC)2008
30HAZOP Study of South Pars Oil Layer (SPOL) Amid Engineering & Development Company2008
29HAZOP Study of New Tail Gas Treatment Unit - Tehran Oil RefineryEHSAN Joint Venture2008
28HAZOP Study of Sulphur Recovery Plant - Tehran Oil Refinery Nargan Engineers and Constructors2008
27HAZOP Study of Hydrogen Production Unit - Tehran Oil Refinery Nargan Engineers and Constructors2008
26HAZOP Study Tehran Oil Refinery Products Upgrading (Clean Fuels) Project Oil Design and Engineering Company (ODCC) 2008 (two stages)
25HAZOP Study of Mahshahr Oil Terminal Jetties FacilitiesMachine Sazi Arak2008
24Risk Assessment, RAM, HAZOP and HAZID Studies of South Pars Phases 15 & 16 – Detail Engineering – Offshore Platforms SLT Engineering (SLTE) International2007
23Hazard Identification and Evaluation studies for at Tabriz Oil Refinery Tabriz Oil Refinery2007
22HAZOP Study Lavan Refinery Upgrading & Revamping Project Offsite Utility & Storage Tanks Project (EPC)-Part 1Iran International General Contractor (IGC)2007 (two stages)
21HAZOP Study Reshadat Offshore Oilfield Renovation & Development Detailed Engineering Pazhouhesh Sanat Naft Company (affiliated to SADRA)2007
20HAZOP Study Basic Design and Preparation of EPC Tender Documents for Lavan Refinery Revamping and UpgradingNamvaran Consulting Engineers (NCE)2007
19As-Built P&ID Mobin Petrochemical Complex – Pars Petrochemical PortPayandan-Tarh Andishan consortium2007-2008
18HAZOP Study Mobin Petrochemical Complex – Pars Petrochemical Port Payandan-Tarh Andishan consortium2007-2008
17HAZOP Study Khesht Oilfield Development Detailed EngineeringPazhouhesh Sanat Naft Co. (affiliated to SADRA)2007
16HAZOP Study Mobin Petrochemical Complex – Interconnecting Lines and Offsite FacilitiesNPC - AZAAN Consortium2007
15HAZOP Study Mobin Petrochemical Complex - Sea Water Intake and Cooling WaterSADRA Iran Marine Industrial Company2007
14Hazard Identification and Evaluation Studies at Bandar Abbas Oil RefineryBandar Abbas Oil Refinery2007
13Pipeline Risk Assessment and Integrity Management Studies Gotvand Oil and Gas NISOC - Tarh Andishan Consulting Engineers (Tehran)2006
12Hazard Identification, Consequence Modelling and Emergency Planning for CNG StationsGreater Tehran Gas Company (Tehran)2006
11HAZOP study Tabriz Petrochemical Plant – HIPS II Unit Detailed Engineering Pazhouhesh Sanat Naft (on behalf of Tabriz Petrochemical Co., Tabriz)2006
10HAZOP and Qualitative Risk Assessment Studies for Fajr Jam Gas Treatment Plant – LPG Recovery Unit Detailed EngineeringPetro Sanat Maad (on behalf of Fajr Jam Gas Treatment Co., Assaluyeh)2005
9Consequence Analysis study South Pars Development Project Phases 6,7,8 – Blast Analysis of GTG Control BuildingHirbodan Engineering Company2005
7Hazard Identification and Evaluation Studies at Shiraz Petrochemical ComplexShiraz Petrochemical Company2005
6HAZOP and HAZID Studies Mansuri Oilfield Development Studies-Phase 1 - Temporary FacilitiesParsikan Iran Consulting Eng. (on behalf of PEDEC)2004
5HAZOP, HAZID and RAM Studies Mansuri Oilfield Development Studies-Phase 2 - New FacilitiesNamvaran Consultants (on behalf of PEDEC)2004
4Hazard Identification and Evaluation at Razi Petrochemical ComplexRazi Petrochemical Company2004
3Hazard Identification and Evaluation at Arak Petrochemical Complex Arak Petrochemical Company2004
2Hazard Identification and Evaluation at Khorasan Petrochemical ComplexKhorasan Petrochemical Company2000
1Various Safety Engineering ServicesVarious; including NIOC, NIGC, and NPC2000